Customers from Southeast Asia and South America come to visit TEU



More than 20 visitors from Southeast Asia and South America visited TEU on April 12 and 13, 2017. Main leaders of TEU and responsible person of export department accompanied them during their visit.

The two groups of customers visited the factory, work shop, R&D center and test area. They also took test drives for a variety of forklifts, and watched the production process.

During the visit, the parties held meetings to exchange their ideas. We introduced our company profile, development overview, future plan, technology and the characteristics and advantages of our newly developed forklifts to customers. The visitors stated the development of their local markets, gave us the feedback of product application and maintenance, and proposed constructive suggestions. Through friendly and sincere negotiations, the parties reached a consensus on further cooperation in the future to make more customers in Southeast Asia and South America benefit from our high-quality products.

Before the visit ended, the parties presented gifts to each other, and we hosted a feast for our honored guest.

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